ab initio protein structure prediction
The "holy grail" of structural genomics is ab initio protein structure prediction; i.e., the ability to reliably predict tertiary structure from primary sequence. There are structure comparison "engines" and databases such as FATCAT, DALI, PDB, CATH, SCOP, SPICE, MSD, VAST, and NCBI's Structure page. However, there are not too many ab initio sites for predicting tertiary structure. HMMSTR is a fun site for such predictions, in the same way that PSORT is fun. Depending on the size of your protein sequence, HMMSTER will do a psi-BLAST alignment, predict secondary structure, and even generate a PDB file for viewing the predicted structure, which can be seen in RasMol, Cn3D, or your favorite structure viewer. Here's a link to my results for the first TPR repeat of Drosophila kinesin light chain protein. As Nile Rogers once wrote, these are the good times.
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