BFG@University of Richmond

Monday, August 29, 2005

First day of class

Today was the first day of the rest of our semester. We discussed the layout and format of the course, which will, in large part, follow the story arc of Pevsner's "Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics". The course will be a mix of lecture, computer time, and some experiments in lab. We hope to blur the distinction between the lab and lecture parts of the course by discussing computer-based work in class, and using lab time to introduce new concepts when appropriate. Finally, we briefly discussed an old paper from my time as a postdoc in Larry Goldstein's lab (click on title of post for link), which shows that bioinformatics is not necessarily and end in itself, but can be used to develop hypotheses and experimental strategies.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Chapter 1 Links

The first lecture is Monday, August 29...
The book we are using is "Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics" by Jonathan Pevsner. During the first class we will discuss our expectations, define the "system" of bioinformatics and functional genomics (bfg), and check out useful database web servers and bioinformatics sites, so we can become familiar with the tools we will use this semester. Links can be found by clicking the title of this post.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Biol 351-Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

Welcome to the course blog for Biology 351 at the University of Richmond. This course about bioinformatics and functional genomics will be taught during the fall 2005 semester, which begins in four (!) weeks. We will post information about the course, data generated by students, and (hopefully) engage the bioinformatics/functional genomics community. Stay tuned...